Spring Home Maintenance

Home Gutters Spring Home Maintenance

With spring arriving in Massachusetts, it is important to keep up with your home maintenance in order to keep your home protected through the season! However, it can be tough to know which facets of your home’s exterior deserve the most attention, which is why our team is here to provide a guide on the proper spring maintenance that you should be performing on your home this summer. If you’re interested in learning more, keep reading below for more information!

Clean Your Gutters & Downspouts

First off, one of the most important pieces of spring maintenance for your home is cleaning your gutters & downspouts. Your gutter system serves a very important purpose, particularly in the springtime, by routing water away from your home’s foundation & siding, keeping it protected from water damage. This means that keeping the system free of debris & flowing freely is essential to the health of your home. If your gutter system is clogged, water will back up over the sides of the system, spilling onto the home & ground beneath the system where it can end up causing significant damage to your home or foliage. Be sure to check your gutter system each spring and ensure that there are no clogs in the system.

Inspect Your Roof

Another good piece of home maintenance advice is to check your roof for damage. Once the snow has melted, you may be able to spot damage on your roofing system. Perhaps your flashing has rusted from the moisture. Or your shingle system may have been damaged in the fall or winter by branches. Springtime will provide you with an opportunity to examine the system and ensure that your roof is in good repair for the spring & summer showers!

Check Windows & Doors for Drafts & Rot

Finally, it is a good idea to check the frames of your windows & threshold of your door for signs of rot, or drafts. The constant moisture that sits on your sills and threshold each winter can often cause moisture damage, particularly as it thaws and refreezes continuously. This means that come spring, it is a good idea to take a look around your home for signs of rot in the system, ensuring that everything is well maintained for the warmer months!

Contact Us Today

For homeowners who need to replace their roof, siding, or windows this spring, our team at E.M. Snow is ready to assist! Reach out to our team today by calling us at (781) 893-4546 or by filling out our team’s online contact form! We look forward to hearing from you and assisting with your exterior remodeling needs!

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